Saturday, June 26, 2010

Day #13 - June 26, 2010

Clinton, IA to Chicago, IL
179 Miles

Left Clinton, IA this morning about 9:00 a.m. and drove east across the Mississippi River into Illinois. The road out of Clinton jogs north first on Rt. 67 and then crosses into Fulton, IL. From Fulton the Lincoln Highway follows Rt. 30 to Sterling, Rt. 2 to Dixon, and then Rt. 38 into Chicago.

Lincoln Highway sign


I stopped at this one-chair barber shop in downtown Fulton for a hair cut this morning. The barber is an ex-truck mechanic who had been badly injured in a motorcycle accident several years ago and had just completed barber school. He told stories of his family and friends. Hair cut was $10 with tip, a great deal.

Boyhood home of Ronald Reagan


Lincoln Way Cafe
National Headquarters of Lincoln Highway Association
Lyn Asp greated me and gave a quite detailed history of the Lincoln Highway. I bought a few Lincoln Highway gifts.

Old 1918 Standard gas station that has been restored.

Arrived at Bob & Glenda's in Chicago about 4:00 p.m. We had a beer and discussed some of my trip. Later friends arrived for a very fun evening of great conversation, food, and cards. Haven't seen many of them for over 15 years.

Got to bed about 1:00 a.m. Fun day.

1 comment:

  1. Brave of you to walk into a strange barber shop and get your hair cut. Most men I know go to the same person for years. Sounds fun. A great way to meet someone while on the road.
