Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Day #2 - June 15, 2010

Carson City, NV to Ely, NV
352.5 miles

I left Carson City about 10:00 a.m. today. The entire drive to Ely was through desert, much of it looking like the picture below. However, there are several mountain ranges to cross, the highest about 7,500 ft. The stretch from Fallon to Austin is known as the Loneliest Highway and that describes it perfectly. For about 100 miles there is very little human contact. I may have seen perhaps 30 cars & trucks on that long stretch of road.

I believe there is an Air Force training area in the desert surrounding Fallon. There were many jets flying above at great speeds. The sounds reminded me of Fleet Week in San Francisco when the Blue Angels are in town.

I came upon the Grimes Point Archaeological Area quite by accident. There are a series of trails where one can view petroglyphs. It was quite hot and dusty and I wasn't able to stay there long. However, I explored a couple of hidden caves behind the area. Think I'll read up more on this area when I return home.

Austin, NV is a picturesque village on the Lincoln Highway and I really liked the Austin Antique Shop in the picture. Notice the Lincoln Highway sign next to the door.

Had lunch at the Austin Cafe. The owner was fun to talk with. He said there have been a number of bicyclists passing through in the last month, many of them traveling the Lincoln Highway. I can't imagine riding a bicycle through the desert and over those mountain ranges. It was scary enough in a car.

Eureka, NV is another charming village. The Eureka Opera House (1880) and Jackson House Hotel (1877) are quite nice. I stayed here only long enough to walk along the main street, about 15 minutes.

Arrived in Ely, NV about 6 p.m. and checked into the Hotel Nevada. More on Ely and the hotel tomorrow.
I'm sleepy, so that's all for now.

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