Monday, June 28, 2010

Day #15 - June 28, 2010

Joliet, IL to Fort Wayne, IN
204 Miles

This morning I visited the Joliet Area Historical Museum in downtown Joliet, IL. The 2-story museum presents a history of the area from the time of the earliest settlers to the present day with nice interactive exhibits.

The Lincoln Highway and Route 66 intersect in Joliet, IL so the museum has an exhibit involving these two routes which was my favorite part of the tour.

This sign in Joliet caught my eye, but they were not open for business yet today, so I did not get to taste the food.

Abe Lincoln Motel in Frankfort, IL


There are several of these Ideal Sections along the Lincoln Highway. The original road in 1913 was mostly dirt or gravel from coast to coast. Around 1923 there was a movement to pave some sections of the highway so that travelers could see what it was like to drive on pavement. That, of course, encouraged cities and states along the route to begin paving more of the highway. This 1.5 mile section in Dyer, IN was one of the first to be paved.


Valparaso University (Lutheran) has a beautiful campus and since my sister, Linda, went to school here a few years ago, I decided to visit and I took more photos than usual.

The most impressive building on campus is the Chapel of the Resurrection.

Christopher Center

Shrage Basketball Wing

Brown Field

LeBien Hall College of Nursing

Do any of these buildings look familiar, Linda?

The drive from Valparaso to Fort Wayne, IN on Route 30 is mostly unpressive and I did not see anything of interest to explore. So I drove the 90 miles without stopping and arrived in Fort Wayne, IN about 5:30 p.m. and checked into my motel.
Tomorrow morning I'll explore Fort Wayne before heading into Ohio.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the LeBein Hall College of Nursing photo. I'm surprised you found it since the building is off the main campus. Was anyone singing or playing the organ when you visited the chapel? The sound is amazing! People from all over the country go to Valparaiso to major in church music, in particular, to play that organ. The university chapel holds around 3500 people, which makes it one of the largest in the country.
