Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day #24 - July 7, 2010

Hamburg, NY to New Lebanon, PA to Cleveland, OH to South Bend, IN
549 Miles

Wow! It was a long day; hot & humid.

I left the hotel at 7:00 a.m. today and traveled west on Route 90 to just west of Erie, PA where I took Route 79 South to Route 358 East and Sandy Lake, PA and New Lebanon, PA.

This rural area of Pennsylvania is quite beautiful. I was searching for the New Lebanon Cemetery to pay my respects to a dear friend and roommate for 19 years, Dan Pae. He is buried here next to his grandparents. While I had been at the cemetery for his burial in 1986, I could not remember the exact location. A nice man in Sandy Lake directed me there.

After some searching I located the grave. It has been 24 years since I was here last.

Dan was a Korean War Veteran
It was an emotional but happy reunion. Dan significantly influenced my life and it felt good to be here again.

I returned to Sandy Lake to thank the man for his directions and I bought gasoline at his service station.

Then I drove west on Route 358 into Ohio and Routes 88 and 422 through Amish country. I saw several Amish buggies on my way to Cleveland.


The Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is very cool. The building was designed by I. M. Pei and is stunning both inside and out. These photos really do not do justice to its beauty.

Photos were allowed in the lobby, but no photos were allowed in the exhibits due to an agreement with the artists and donors. Here is one shot of the lobby.

There are six floors of exhibits which are nicely displayed, starting from the beginning influences of rock & roll and going to the present day. Most exhibits have a written history, photos of performers, clothing and personal items such as guitars and other musical instruments, and a video clip of performances and interviews.
My favorite exhibits were Motown, Elvis, The Beatles, and Jimi Hendrix. The Special Exhibition Area featured The Life and Music of Bruce Springsteen and was displayed on the upper two floors. It was quite extensive, including hand-written letters and scrapbooks that Springsteen had assembled as well as instruments used by his band and clothing worn when album covers were photographed as well as video performances and interviews.

This plaque explains why the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame is in Ohio.

Here is a photo of the Cleveland skyline taken from the Hall of Fame.

This is the Cleveland Browns Stadium next to the Hall of Fame.

It was hot and I decided to drive west, not actually knowing how far I would travel today. The road conditions were good, so I ended up driving all the way to South Bend, IN and arrived here about 8:00 p.m., that's a 13-hour day. I took a short drive around the Notre Dame Campus. I may explore it further tomorrow morning. It's time for bed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing with pictures and words about Dan, he was always kind to me and my family. I did not know he was a Korean veteran.
