Thursday, July 1, 2010

Day #18 - July 1, 2010

Columbus, OH to Greensburg, PA
320 Miles

I left Columbus about 8:00 a.m. and drove north on Route 23 to Upper Sandusky, OH and rejoined the Lincoln Highway.


My first stop was Mansfield where I stopped at the Buckeye Bakery for coffee and a pastry.

I realy like this building, especially the large porches. However, I did not see the date it was built.

Just down the street from the bakery is the Carrousel Park. The park had just opened and I think they were doing a test run because the merry-go-round was operating but no one was riding it. It is a beautifully restored carrousel.


This was the most impressive building in downtown Wooster.

And another fine old building.


I couldn't pass up this Dari-ette and had a root beer float, the second one on this trip.


First off, they are serious about their high school football and there are signs of this all over town.

A few statistics:
The population of Massillon, OH is 30,000; their high school football stadium (named after Paul Brown) seats 17,000. They rank 3rd in the U.S. in number of wins and have won the state championship 22 times. Every baby boy born at a Massillon hospital is given a minature football at birth.

This mural is in downtown Massillon.

This sign accompanies the mural.

They are fond of murals in Massillon, too. This impressive mural is also in the downtown area.


I went to the Pro Football Hall of Fame.

This statue of Jim Thorpe is in the lobby.

Jerry Rice - Part of the Class of 2010.

This is the actual "Hall of Fame." In the room behind the sign there is a bust of each player, nicely displayed and lighted with the year he was inducted and the NFL team(s) he played for.

Because of the lighting in the room, it is difficult to photograph the busts. I tried on several occasions and this is the best photo I could get. However, the displays are quite impressive.

Adjacent to the Pro Football Hall of Fame is the Fawcett Stadium.

This covered bridge was just off Route 30 east of Lisbon, OH


This small town on the Lincoln Highway was quite interesting.

As the sign says, this 1803 building is "Ohio's Oldest Brick Building" and it is nicely preserved.

This Lincoln Highway sign is in the downtown square.

I crossed into Pennsylvania about 4:30 p.m. The Lincoln Highway goes directly through Pittsburgh, but since I visited Pittsburgh about a year ago and drove the exact Lincoln Highway route at that time, I decided to bypass Pittsburgh on the outerbelt which saved some time and avoided the rush hour madness.

I arrived in Greensburg, PA around 6:00 p.m. and checked into the hotel. I had dinner at Gino's Sports Lounge - pizza and beer - and watched part of the Phillies-Pirates game on the big screen. Tomorrow I'll explore more of Pennsylvania.

1 comment:

  1. The carrousel in Mansfield is wonderful and when the kids were young we all rode it. If you ride on the outside, there is a ring that you try and catch as you go around. Not too far away, there is a carrousel museum, I believe in Sandusky, Ohio where they restore horses and other objects associated with carrousels. At Put-in-Bay they have the only carrousel where you can ride a fish (Walleye) - needless to say I love riding carrousels and know way to much carrousel trivia.
