Friday, July 9, 2010

Day #26 - July 9, 2010

Milwaukee, WI to Austin, MN
353 Miles

I designated today a rest day from sightseeing. I slept late, had a leisurely breakfast, did laundry, put gas in the car, and left Milwaukee about 11:30 a.m.

I drove west on Route 94 and then Route 90 to La Crosse, WI. Along the way I stopped at Humbird Cheese and bought some Wisconsin chedder and bread for later. I couldn't leave the state of Wisconsin without trying some of the cheese.

From La Crosse I got off the interstate and drove on a country road, Route 16, to Austin, MN.
This is beautiful country, with green hillsides and intermittent farms. I tried to capture some of the beauty with the photos. The drive was the highlight of the day.

I stopped in Spring Valley, MN at the A&W Root Beer Drive-In and ordered from the speaker located next to the car. A very pretty blonde lady brought my root beer float to the car. The cold drink was refreshing on a hot day.

I drove to Austin, MN and checked into the hotel. It was a relaxing day.

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